Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Week beginning 13.12.21

Monday 13th December 2021


Today in maths we are learning to multiply numbers by 8.

Watch the Youtube video below and give it a go singing along to it!


Complete the math worksheets below! Don't forget to email me pictures of your finished work.





English/ Topic

In English/ topic today we are writing instructions for how to make a Bronze Age axe head. At school, we will be having today and tomorrows lesson to complete this so you can spread this activity over two days.


Watch this video a couple of times to understand how one is made! It might be useful to make some notes as you go along.



Then give it a go writing out some instructions using the template below.

Make sure you include imperative verbs (bossy verbs!) and time conjunctions in each sentence.

For example:


First, scrape the wax into an axe head shape and mould the clay into a cylinder around it. 




Give this cosmic Yoga session a go in your lounge!







Tuesday 14th December 2021



In maths today we are learning to divide by 8.

Watch these Youtube videos and then give the math worksheet below a go!






English/ Topic


Your English work is to carry on writing your Bronze Age axe head instructions from yesterday. Make sure to use time conjunctions (first, second etc) and imperative verbs (bossy verbs). Email me your work to look at when you have finished!


Reading comprehension


Read this piece of text about Christmas all around the world. Once you have finished reading answer the questions on the worksheet below!






Now give these a go!



Wednesday 15th December 2021



In maths today we are practising the 8 times table. Watch these videos below and then give the worksheet a go. 








Today in class we are making Christmas hats! Try making a creative Christmas hat and send me a picture of you wearing it. You can design and

decorate it how you like!



This afternoon it is our Christmas party!

At home you could play some Christmas music, wear a Christmas jumper, bake some delicious Christmas cookies or watch a Christmas film! Make sure to send me some pictures of you having fun at home.



Thursday 15th December 2021


Give these math worksheets a go to crack the Christmas joke.




Today in class we are doing some mindfulness colouring. Have a go at these Christmas colouring worksheets! 







Give this workout video a go in your lounge!








School Updates

