Friday 12th February - 'Zoom' well-being check in at 1.15pm
Come along with anything you would like to talk about or show to me. This will be a mixture of one to one time and some group time. Bring paper and a pencil for a drawing activity. Please be prepared to wait in the waiting room.
The link will be sent on Seesaw this morning.
►Good morning and today's timetable
A big thank you to all of our Year 2 children and families. You have all worked so hard this half term in what are very strange times. We have appreciated all of your support and think that all of our lovely Year 2 children are amazing! Have a relaxing half term break.
Miss Shepherd , Mrs Archibald , Miss Logue and Mrs Afanador.
►Spelling test
Here are the spellings for this week. You might want to spend some time practising before you go onto the spelling test with Miss Shepherd below. There are two challenge words at the end for you to have a go at !
hour after again parents beautiful
I've it's she'll didn't he's
Today we are thinking about how the story Journey ends.
1 - Watch the story once more and pay attention to the ending.( From the bird being caught in the cage)
2 - After you have watched the story again go to the quiz and see if you can answer the questions.
Submit your work and make sure you put your name at the top.
This is for all children. It is fine to have an adult help with the reading.
Make sure that you complete the quiz about the last part of our book 'Journey'
Click below
Make sure you have a go at your maths starter today.
It is a game for you to have a go at to help you practise your maths skills.
Sorry there has been a little bit of confusion for yesterday and today's maths. The video below corresponds to yesterday's sheets.
►Topic - making paper aeroplanes
Can you follow the instructions to make a paper aeroplane? How well does it fly?
Watch both short videos below and then you can start.
Once you have mastered how to make one , have a go at making some from different size paper
or different types of paper to see which goes the furthest.
You could make one and decorate it with patterns and colours.
Please post your aeroplanes on Seesaw or even video your paper aeroplane!
►Golden Time
Every Friday afternoon we have our Golden Time. This is a special time when we can choose what we would like to do from playing with construction kits , dressing up, making and creating , sometimes dancing and lots more.
Have your own Golden Time and do something that you enjoy.
You have certainly earnt it!
►Mr Smyton's assembly