Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Welcome to our class page

The adults that work with us in our class are:

Class Teachers: Miss Kaur (Monday to Thursday), Mrs Brewster (Friday)

Learning Support Assistants: Miss Flanagan (mornings), Mrs Afanador (afternoons)

Senior Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hall (Thursday afternoon for Art or Music) 

Lunchtime Supervisor:  Mrs Ingliss

Sports Coach: Mr Taylor / Mr Timperley (Thursday afternoon) 


Our classroom

What are we Learning?

Please click below to access our 'Year Plan' to see what we are learning in Year 4 and to see our weekly timetable.

Useful Class Information


PE days

Monday (Miss Kaur)

Thursday (Sports Coach) 

Please ensure that your child comes to school in our PE uniform, including trainers and a warm jumper as we often go outside for our PE lessons. 



In Year 4 we ask that you support your child's learning by; 

Reading as much as possible (even just 5 minutes a day if that is all you can manage) with your child and recording it in their reading diary.  

Use Times Tables Rockstars or other activities to help your child learn their times tables.

Use educational games like Spelling Frame to support core skills. 

Complete optional homework to support a love of learning smiley

Ways to Support with Learning at Home

 See Homework information above.

Also click on the links below for activities for your child to do at home:

Are you looking for suitable reading material which is age-appropriate for your child, and possibly matches some of the topics we are learning about in class?

Class Connections

Link to charity work or other connections made with local area.

Foxton Creates! 

Our class has been selected to take part in an exciting local community project at the Foxton Locks Canal Museum to make the museum and learning around the locks more interesting and enjoyable for younger people. 


We were able to visit Foxton Locks and the Foxton Locks Canal Museum. 

For the next step, we look forward to Jess - the local Artist involved in the project coming in to visit the class and create some artwork using different mediums. 

Pictures from our visit to Foxton Locks and the Foxton Locks Canal Museum

The next step of our project with Foxton Creates included a visit from the Artist/Illustrator Jessi Hartshorn to our class. During our afternoon we looked at the sense of 'smell' and the children looked at creating illustrations of what smells might look like and reflected on their experiences. 


They then had a STEM challenge to make either a marble run or a canal boat lift (like the one that Foxton Locks had!), the children were amazing at working within a team to create some amazing different versions. 

STEM Activity - building

Learning In Action

A few pictures of what we have been up to lately!

King Richard III visitors centre trip

Learning about Chronology and ordering images in time periods

English - setting writing by using drama to imagine being within the picture book

School Updates

