Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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How are you all Year 3? Have you had a good week so far? I hope you have a great day! 

Here is today's timetable:-


Mrs Boyd and Mrs Brewster

WEEK BEGINNING:  18/05/20             Wednesday

 Home Learning SUMMER TERM wk5

8.40 – 9.00

9.00 - 9.30

9.30 – 10.30

10.30 -10.50

10.50 - 12

12– 1

1.00 – 2.50


TT rockstars



PE with

Joe Wicks – follow link on youtube

English/topic – The Vanishing Rainforest writing


Maths –Subtraction


 Reading time (15mins)

PSHE – Believe in yourself (Mental Health Awareness)



ENGLISH - today we will be writing our story based on our planning about Ramaema in the Rainforest. 

Below I have included a success criteria for you writing, you can tick them as you go along (I know many of you prefer this) or you can check at the end.  



Writing Assessment (KS2 checklist)

Rainforest Adventure story





I can write for a range of purposes and audiences:



• using paragraphs to organise ideas



  • Write in the 3rd person; she crouched, they peered



describing settings and characters (feelings & emotions)



using verb forms mostly accurately in the past tense



  • Use conjunctions e.g. because, so, since, until, when, but



• using capital letters, full stops,   



• using commas for lists



• using question marks and exclamation marks



• use apostrophes for contraction mostly correctly



  • Use paragraphs to organise ideas and events


MATHS - Week 5 - Lesson 3 - Subtracting 3 and 2 digit numbers crossing 10 or 100

PHSE - You can believe in yourself! Watch the Supermovers. After you have watched it, try recording yourself dancing to the song, send it to me if you can! Next draw around your hand and write 5 things your great at in each finger and thumb.

Story time Danny the Champ - Chapter 6 (2nd half)

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