Please read with your child for 20 minutes each day. This could be a story book which you read, a phonics book which they read or a mixture of the two.
Oxford Owl have a library of free books which can be read on a phone or tablet.
Follow the link below and sign up yourself. You can then access a variety of books which are age-appropriate. Start on age 3-4 (Oxford Level 1) and work your way through as your child gets more confident.
Today we are going to be working on our handwriting.
Talk to your child about which letters they feel they need a little more practice with and practise forming these letters together.
You could do this by:
Purple challenge: once you are confident that you child can form the letters accurately, give your child simple words to write which contain the identified sounds that you have been practising. These words should be phonetically decodable so that your child can sound them out independently. As an extra challenge, you could then ask your child to put these words into a sentence verbally.
Today we are going to be completing missing number patterns.
Watch the video below and then complete one of the following activities.
Blue challenge: write out the following number patterns and ask your child to fill in the gaps. You may want to use items/toys or a number line to help your child to find the answer.
1, 2, __, 4, 5
1, 2, 3, 4, ___
1, __, 3, ___, 5
5, 4, 3, ___, 1
__, 4, 3, 2, __
Green challenge: write out the following number patterns and ask your child to fill in the gaps. Encourage your child to count along the line to help them to find the answer.
5, 6, ___, 8, 9
4, 5, 6, 7, __
6, 7, __, 9, __
10, 9, ___, 7, 6
9, 8, __, 6, __
10, __, __, 7, 6
Purple challenge: write out the following number patterns and ask your child to fill in the gaps. Encourage your child to count along the line to help them to find the answer.
6, __, 8, 9, __
8, __, 10, __, 12
14, 15, __, 17, __
15, 16, 17, ___, ___
20, 19, ___, 17, ___
17, ___, ___, 14, 13
Extra challenge: use you child's knowledge of counting in 10s the other week to complete these number patterns.
10, 20, ___, 40, 50
20, 30, ___, 50, ___
60, 70, 80, 90, ___
70, 60, ___, 40, ___
Today we are learning about the Bible story The Thankful Leper.
Watch the video below and then talk to your child about the importance of saying thank you.
Now imagine that you are Handa's friend Akeyo. Write a letter to Handa to thank her for her kind gift.
Blue and Green challenge: ask your child to design the front of their card and then scribe what they say to thank Handa inside the card. Then ask your child to sign it with their name.
Purple challenge: ask your child to design the cover of their thank you card and then write their thank you message inside. Draw lines for them to write on and encourage your child to sound out their words and use their sight word knowledge to complete their wrtiting.