Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Monday 10.1.22

Morning work:

On a piece of paper complete the following calculations.



Today we are going to be looking at the 'U' sound blend in our lesson today. Please watch the  video below and join in if you can.


In English today, we are going to be looking at our main story of this term, it is called 'Supertato'.


Please look at the story below and ask your grown up to ask you questions about the story.


For example:

what happened? who are the characters? what did they do? How did they do that? What would you like to see happen next? What's happening in the picture here? did you like the story? Why? Why not?



Today in Maths we are going to be adding by counting on. Please watch the white rose video and complete the activities in the video. You will need digit cards 0-20 and a six sided dice for this lesson.


In your handwriting lesson today we will be learning all about long ladder letters. If you wish to watch videos on how to form these letters before having a go yourself you can log into letter join and watch.


click on the folloing link to access the website: 

The log in is as follows, username : tfps_2     password: thythorn2

(Please note there are no capitals in the password or the log in)


To watch individual letters click on the letter and then press the button that says 'play'. You can watch this as many times as you like and if you are on a tablet or computer you can click the 'try' button at the botton and you can have a go at the letters using your mouse  or finger before having a go at the worksheet below.


in our history lesson today we will be looking at creating a timeline for Florence Nightingale's life. Please look at the presentation below and complete the sheet 1 of the sheets below. There is option for cutting and sticking if you wish to.

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