Today we are learning about pounds and pence. £ and p
Begin the lesson by watching the very useful video below.
Note for parents/helpers
You will notice that we do not use the decimal point for recording pounds and pence at this stage.
So if I had a five pound note and four ten pences I would write this as
£5 and 40p
If I had two pound coins and three one pence coins I would write this as
£2 and 3p.
Maths Questions
Complete the questions below in your exercise book.
I have also included a voice clip that talks you through the questions. So if you would like a bit of extra help listen to me explaining the questions before you start.
Click on the star for the answers.
Challenge questions
You might want to talk through these questions with a grown-up.
They are a bit trickier.
Part 1
Spellings So far this week we have had six Year 2 words to practise. Here are three more words to practise, they all have the ss ending. Practise the new words and then see if you can remember Monday's and Tuesday's words.
Monday Tuesday Today
would great class
should break grass
could steak pass
Today we are going to remind ourselves about verbs. Verbs are doing and being words.They tell you about actions.
These are all verbs
sit looking like run am clap
Can you sort these words into words that are verbs and words that are not verbs.
Make 2 lists in your book. I've started you off.
verbs not verbs
hop pink
Words to sort jumping shout chair flag read soft
eggs sleep clean blue playing sheep
grumpy climb digging colourful whisper cake |
Part 2 of English work
Today you are going to imagine that you are James in the very first part of the story, chapters 1 and 2.
Draw a picture of James and ask your grown up to draw you a speech bubble. Look at my example below.
Write in first person as if you are James and try to explain how you are feeling , why you feel like that and how your aunts treat you. Read my ideas to help you.
Remember full stops and capital letters.
Think about all the English skills that we have learnt in Year 2. Make it interesting!
Today you can have free choice on Purple Mash!
Click on the link to go on to Purple Mash.
Login details
username -children2
This week our music programme is all about the electric guitar.
Click on the link below.