Good Morning Year 1
I hope you all had a fabulous day yesterday and managed to complete some super work with your grown-ups. I just wanted to mention, I am loving the beautiful pictures of your topic work from yesterday, some of you could be superb gardeners in the future! Well done!
Yesterday I was enjoying a slice of homemade Victoria sponge leftover from my VE day celebrations and Lola decided she would also like to try some. I let her have a tiny piece as it was made with dog-friendly ingredients so she won't get poorly.
Morning work: In your yellow books, can you complete the answers to these questions:
Phonics: In your letters and sounds booklet please go back to page 29 and 30. You have to read the decodable hight frequency words to your grown-ups. Remember practice makes perfect!
There are some great interactive games on the phonics play website for children to play and revise their phonetic skills. Currently, the website is free for parents to sign up to if you log in using the user name: march 20 and the password: home. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/#
You could also play some different phonics games at http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/literacy.html a
I am pleased that so many of you in your email updates have been saying you have been accessing the phonics play and ICT games websites, well done!
Reading: Make sure you read a book today or have a grown-up read you a story. If you have read all your reading books from school, you can read some of the phonetically decodable comics online.These can be found at www.phonicsplaycomics.co.uk.
Also David Walliams (A well known childrens author) has given you the opportunity every day to reveice a short audio book from his collection of short stories from his book 'The World’s Worst Children!' You can access these at : https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/
New stories are avaliable after 11am every day, or you can listen to ones from the day before if you wish.
If David Walliams is not to your taste, another super children's author Oliver Jeffers is also reading his books live on insagram everyday. However if you do not have access to instagram his previously read stories and videos can be found on his website. https://www.oliverjeffers.com/abookaday
Try and remember to record all of your reading in your diary so that we can see how much reading you have done when we come back to school. I can't wait to see how much reading you have done at home! I hear a lot of you are reading a lot at home so keep it up!
Maths starter: Today for our maths starter I would like you to watch the following story called 'Give me half' to help you understand further what 1/2 is.
Maths: Today, we are going to be looking again at halving. To help us understand what a 1/2 is we are going to be investigating what halves are in real life and where we may have seen 1/2 before and not known.
There is a short presentation for you to look through which shows some real life objects that you may see daily and you need to decide if it has been split into 1/2 or is it not a 1/2. Then there is a worksheet to accompany this that you can download and print if you have a printer, then you need to cut all the objects in 1/2 and mix them up and put them bac together again. If you do not have a printer you can simply draw the objects and show the two seperate halves.
Design and Technlogy: Can you use your design and technology skills to make a moving picture to show jack climbing the beanstalk. We have made a few moving pictures in school this year duirng our space and animals topics so you should be familiar with how they work.
All you will need is some pens , paper , scissors and glue or sellotape.
I would like you to look through the Presentation below showing you step by step how to make a sliding mechanism picture before having a go so that you can refresh your brains about how to do it as it was a long time since we have made one in class now.
The background and picture of jack found in the instructional documents above can be found below in this document. You can either print these and use them or draw your own.
(Please Ignore the leavers part as we are making a slider and the website only had Jack and the beanstalk as a leaver.)
End of the day story: The story I have chosen today is to 'say hello to the jungle animals' written by Ian Whybrow and Ed Eaves. I hope you really enjoy today's story, it reminded me of our topic last term.