Year 5 – Tuesday 19th January 2021 |
Morning starter |
Maths |
20 mins independent reading |
English |
Story |
Grammar |
Geography/History |
Spellings into sentences |
Mental Maths warm up
Divide 2 digits by 1 digit |
Write and perform a debate for or against hunting (linked to Stig) Part 2
Stig of the Dump Chapter 8
Tuesday slide |
Canals – Why and how were canals built? |
Here are the spelling words from last week:
Your task this morning is to choose 5 words and put them into sentences. Then have fun practising the words using a variety of ways, like we do in the classroom, such as pyramid words, one letter/one colour and drawing the shape of the word. I've included a picture of some of the games we do to help you.
► Mental starter
Blue challenge - complete up to question 5.
Green challenge - complete all questions.
Purple challenge - complete all questions and continue onto the challenge below
In chapter 4 of Stig of the Dump (Tuesday 12th if you want to go back and listen again) Barney, Stig and Lou go hunting. We are going to learn today how to debate and present 'for' and 'against' arguments about hunting. Today you will be using your notes and planning from yesterday and present your debate.
I have included the links from yesterday as you may still need to refer to them. The first link you need to look at is CBBC Newsround.
The next link takes to you a clip of Steve Backshall explaining how to structure a balanced argument.
Then finally I will talk you through a powerpoint explaining how to write a debate
Here's the best/exciting bit!!! I would like you to present your debate in whichever way you wish. You could present it in written form as paragraphs, in a for/against table, as a powerpoint (a slide for each with pictures), a video clip (you could video your presentation of for then against changing your top in between to show the 2 sides), an audio recording or any other way you can.
► Spellings
► Grammar
Today we are going to learn about the history and development of canals. Please listen to and read the presentation I have recorded as there is lots of fascinating information in there, which we will be building on and using in the week to come.
Your activity today is to demonstrate your learning about the construction and functionality of canals and locks in a practical way. I have made a few suggestions in my presentation and in the videos below. I completely understand if you have not got the resources at home to replicate the building of canals, so try and be creative with what you do have available to you.