Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Easter Activities

Here are some ideas of activities that you can do over the Easter Holiday to keep your brains active in a fun and engaging way. You do not have to complete any of them if you do not want to. I know how hard you have all been working at home so if you would like a rest that is equally just as fine. I have been asked by a few parents to provide something for you to do, so here it is....Have fun but most importantly have a rest! laugh




Here is George, He is enjoying some time with his Giraffe family before helping me to complete some of these easter ideas.




Easter Activity ideas:


Here are some Easter-themed jokes that you can tell to make your friends and family laugh:





In School, during our R.E. lessons, you have learnt about the Christian story of Easter and why they celebrate Easter in the way they do. Here is a little reminder of that importance. Watch the short youtube clip below to help you understand Easter the way Christians do.

The Christian Story of Easter | Religions of the World

An animated clip narrating the Christian story of Easter.

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