Good Morning Year 1!
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and have recharged your brains ready for another busy week of home learning. This week is week 5 of our home learning (it's going so fast!) and I want you all to continue to work hard at home for your grown-ups. The updates I have received from you all so far have gone in a super picture gallery so look out for your pictures there! I have just set up a new gallery for all your fabulous learning in week 5 so make sure we fill it up by sending lots of picture updates! Keep up the amazing work, you are doing a fabulous job!
Today is May the 4th, I am sure some of you will appreciate this little joke.......
Fun fact: Star Wars Day, May 4, celebrates George Lucas' Star Wars. The date was chosen for the joke on the catchphrase "May the Force be with you" as "May the Fourth be with you".
Morning work: To complete the following calculations in your yellow books.
Phonics: In your phonics buster books please complete pages 22 and 23 about vowel digraphs and trigraphs.
There are some great interactive games on the phonics play website for children to play and revise their phonetic skills. Currently, the website is free for parents to sign up to if you log in using the user name: march 20 and the password: home.
You could also play some different phonics games at http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/literacy.html
A big thumbs up to those of you who are trying the phonics games and scoring really high scores, this is fantastic. Well done!
English: Last week we explored the sotry of the 'Tiny seed' today I would like you to take a double page in your yellow book and draw a story map for the whole story. We have done this before in school and it helps us to think about the different parts of the story and the order that they happen in.The purpose of doing this is to help us when we write the story later in the week.
Remember : your pictures don't have to be perfect! Start at the beginning and think about the different events that happen. I have put a few examples below to help you remember what to do. Try and include some good sentence starters and key words. Remember you don't have to write full sentences this is your plan for later in the week.
Reading: Make sure you read a book today or have a grown-up read you a story. If you have read all your reading books from school, you can read some of the phonetically decodable comics online.These can be found at www.phonicsplaycomics.co.uk. Also David Walliams (A well known childrens author) has given you the opportunity every day to reveice a short audio book from his collection of short stories from his book 'The World’s Worst Children!' You can access these at : https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/
New stories are avaliable after 11am every day, or you can listen to ones from the day before if you wish.
Try and remember to record all of your reading in your diary so that we can see how much reading you have done when we come back to school. I can't wait to see how much reading you have done at home! I hear a lot of you are reading a lot at home so keep it up!
Maths starter: Today for our maths starter, we are going to practise counting in 2s by counting forwards and backwards, just so they stay fresh in our minds. Watch the short video below and join in with the counting!
Maths: Today, we are going to have a go at an online maths lesson about Beginning to understand standard units of measure. Click on the link below or copy and paste it into the internet and follow the lesson.
You have to do a quick quiz first just to see what you already know and then you click on next ativity to join in with the lesson on a video. There are also some tasks for you to do in your yellow books as you work through the video. It would be a good idea for a grown-up to sit alongside you whilst you get used to this type of online learning as this is something that you have only done once before.
Bonus maths work: If you would like to test your problem solving skills these tricky challenges are just for you! Head over to the BBC bitezise website and see how many you and your family can do together!
These 2 tricky challenges will really test you thinking and problem solving skills, you can complete them in your yellow books. The answers are also there so you can self mark using your special marking pens. Good luck!
Or you can play some interactive maths games on the ictgames website. https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/
Topic (Science): Today we are going to be looking at identifying the different types of trees. I would like you to sit with your grown up and work through the slides below titiled 'Identifying and dscribing trees' and complete the worksheet that goes with it.
Remember when you learn something new add it to your KWL grid under the L column as this shows you the things you have learnt. They must be getting really full now!
In your yellow books, after completing the slides 'Identifying trees' can you complete one following worksheet. If you haven't seen any trees or don't manage to go for a walk today, look at the hints below to help.
End of the day story: The story I have chosen today is one that we have read before in class during our topic 'Marvellous me!' I know you all really enjoyed it so I thought you might like to hear it again. The story today is 'Funny Bones' by Allan and Janet Ahlberg.