Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Week beginning 7.2.22




Today I would like you to write a book review for a book! 

This can be the Iron Man which we have recently finished  reading in class (PDF attached below) or any other book you have recently read. 


I have attached the heading I would like you to include 

- Name of the book 

- Author of the book 

- What you like about the story 

- What didn't you like about the story 

- Star rating of the story out of 5 




Can you have a go at these addition and subtraction and multiplication and division sheets independently? 

They are based on previous learning we have done in class. 


Then self mark your work 



We are researching the River Nile! 

We are going to be taking notes to create a non - fiction / information page about the marvellous River Nile which provided lots of resources for the Ancient Egyptians to settle. 


KS2 History: Ancient Egypt. The River Nile - BBC Teach 


Facts about the River Nile for Kids (


River Nile Facts | River Nile Tributaries | DK Find Out


Look through all of these and ask your grown ups for any books you might have at home that have any information about the River Nile 





Spr4.4.1 - What is area?

This is "Spr4.4.1 - What is area?"




We are going to look at writing some paragraphs related to the River Nile. 


There is so much that we can focus on ;

Animals of the Nile 

Crops and seasons 

Tools for farming 



I want you to start writing information under your chosen sub headings. 

Use the document above to help you 

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