Year 5 – Friday 29th January 2021 |
Morning starter |
Maths |
20 mins independent reading |
English |
Zoom group activity – 1pm |
Story |
Grammar |
Quiz |
PE – Les Mills dance session |
Mental Maths warm up
Improper to mixed number fractions. |
Relative clauses (Natural curriculum – King cobra)
The incredible adventures of Professor Branestawm Chapter 5
Friday slide |
Friday flashback quiz |
Purple mash water cycle quiz |
Assembly |
► P.E.
Today's video is by a very funky dance class. It's great up to date tunes, with some great dance moves. I think it combines 'Just dance' with quality fitness instruction (recorded by a fitness movement called Les Mills). Enjoy - I loved having a go at this when I was choosing this morning's activity!
► Mental starter
Blue challenge - complete up to question 5.
Green challenge - complete all questions.
Purple challenge - complete all questions and continue onto the challenge below.
Please watch my video explaining the activities and click on the link below to take you to the Natural Curriculum website, where you can then click to watch the clip.
Today we are using a clip about King cobras to help us use and write relative clauses. This is very closely link to our grammar work, as you are often asked to identify the relative clause.
► Zoom meet 1pm - Today is a social catch up and the link is in an announcement on Seesaw.
► I.C.T.
I have set a task in Purple Mash. It's a missing word quiz about the water cycle. There are a few words and terms that we have not met yet in our learning, so you may need to 'buy some letters' as well as do a little bit of research to find the missing words. Good luck!