Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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This week we are learning about the story The Bad Tempered Ladybird. 


Please watch the video below and talk to your child about being kind. 


Why is it so important to be kind to others?


Can you think of 3 kind things that you can do today to help your family? Take pictures of your child doing the activities and add them to Tapestry.

The Bad Tempered Ladybird

By Eric Carle Published by Puffin



Today we are looking at reading for understanding.


Please go to and login using the username march20 and the password home.


Click on Resources and select Pick and Picture. Complete the game first with Phase 2 and then Phase 3.


Record any sounds that your child seems to be forgetting for and activity later this week.



Today we are ordering items by weight.


Talk to your child about heavy and light using items around your home. 


Can they sort the items into heavy items and light items?


Ask them to write a list of heavy and light items in their home learning book.

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