Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Tuesday 2nd March


Tuesday 2nd  March at 10am

Reading focusBring a reading book or a favourite book to share and read.

Depending on the number of children we have at the session I may put you into groups.

Please be prepared to wait until I let you into the session.

The link will be sent on Seesaw this morning.

►Good morning and today's timetable

Good morning


On Thursday it is World Book Day. 

Today I would like you think about one of your favourite story books that you have at home.

Have a read of your book and think about why it is one of your favourite stories.

TASK - complete a book review about your book. Click below for the book review worksheet.


1- Join in with the maths starter

2 - Watch the teaching video.

3- Complete the maths questions.

Blue questions 1 to 5.

Green try and complete all questions.

Purple try and complete all questions and the challenge.

New Recording - 01/03/2021, 23:01:57

Maths Starter

►Spelling , punctuation and grammar

New Recording - 01/03/2021, 22:14:36



PurpleMash login details

username - children2

password - thythorn


Computing with Miss Shepherd

►Design and make

Today we are going to make a page corner book mark as part of our World Book Day celebrations.

Follow the lesson with Miss Shepherd.

Design and make a book mark with Miss Shepherd


Story time with Miss Shepherd

School Updates

