Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Tuesday 30th November

Hello Year 2!

It was very strange in school yesterday with so many of you having to stay at home.

We are missing you a lot! 

Here is your home learning for today.




Today we are going to have a dance/movement lesson based upon the poem 'Twas the night before Christmas' from BBC Let's Move.

You can join in with the lesson by clicking the link below.

Make sure that you have enough space and remember to listen carefully.



LetsMove-20161123-Part1 (1).mp3


As so many of you are not in school at the moment, I have decided not to go onto learning about division yet. We will start this unit of work when we have most children back in school. Over the next few days we are going to recap and consolidate our understanding of addition and subtraction.

It is also a good idea to keep practising counting in 2s,5s and 10s and to start to learn these times tables.


Watch the teaching video about finding 10 more and 10 less and complete the maths questions.

Ten more ten less


Reading Task  - click the link below for a reading comprehension task. 

(The blue numbers just tell you how many words are in the text)

Grammar,spelling and punctuation.

Today in our grammar lesson we are learning about adding the suffixes er and est to root words.

With an adult go through the powerpoint about er and est. Today we are looking at root words that do not have special rules. Eg    tall      taller    tallest

Then complete the task.

The links are below.

Spellings for this week's test on Friday.

Green group -  those      explode       alone         broke        tadpole         backbone         stones      whole       phone     throne


Yellow group - hurt    purse   church    fur    turn     burnt    surf   nurse   curl    turnip


Blue group - rain       tail      wait       sail        pain



The PhonicsPlay website is a good way to practise your reading and spelling skills. You can click the link below and it should take you to PhonicsPlay. Use the login details below. 

Once you are logged in , go to resources and choose from phase 3 to phase 6.

You can explore the different games , you will also recognise some of the games because we have used them in school.

Username - thythorny2

Password - children123


Every Tuesday afternoon we have our computing lesson. 

Below is the link to take you to PurpleMash.

Today you can have some free choice time on PurpleMash or you could go to 2go and practise the skills we have been learning over the past few weeks.


Username - children2

Password - thythorn

School Updates

