I can compare numbers using the < , > and = signs
Please watch the video below and complete the worksheet
Today we are going to be focusing on reading and looking at reading three letter words. Please watch the video below and write some simple three letter words for your child to read with you. Do they remember any from the video?
For your PE lesson, please follow and join in with the Cosmic kids pirate yoga video below.
In RE this week we are going to be learning all about Harvest and why it is an important time of year for Christians. We are also going to be learning our 'special song' ready for our grown-ups. Please look through the power point below about harvest and listen to and join in with our song.
Golden Time! - On a Friday afternoon in Year 1 we have GOLDEN TIME!
Play, be creative, make things, dress up, tell jokes and let your imagination run wild....You are amazing Year 1 and I am proud to be your teacher!