Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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► SEESAW TIP OF THE DAY - Keep your Seesaw Journal Tidy

  • Create one new Journal entry for each piece of work you do each day e.g. one for Maths, one for English, one for Topic etc.
  • If you have several things to photograph etc for ONE piece of work then please add them all in ONE Journal entry e.g. page 1, page 2 etc. You can combine a picture, a video etc in this way. (see Monday's help video)
  • Look for the microphone icon to add an audio comment to your post
  • If you are using a tablet or smartphone and the photo you take is upside down or sideways you can rotate it before you send it to your Journal (see help video below).

Rotating Images





Good morning Year 1 laugh


I hope you all had a fabulous day yesterday and managed to complete some super work with your grown-ups. Your Maths challenges are blowing me away, it is lovely to see how much you are pushing yourselves and challenging yourselves whilst at home! Keep up the great work! yes


The topic of today's zoom meeting 'help me' is all about reading. If you would like to read me some of your book or need help with tricky sight words, please pop along for some help between 10 and 10.45. I will let you in one at a time so when you arrive you may be placed in a waiting room but I will let you in when I can. The link for the meeting is the same one from last Thursday so please find this in your SEESAW announcements. Rememebr if you do not want to come and share your reading you do not need to attend, it is not compulsary laugh



EXPRESS YOURSELF!! - As part of Children's Mental Health week, I though it would be good to spend some time carrying out the challenge as explained in the video below.


Task - Decide on your favourite TV programme and create a dance routein for the opening theme tune for the show. It will be about 30 seconds long, and in that 30 seconds during your dance, can you include some travel, a turn, a jump and possibly some cool poses. Good luck! laugh



Today we are going to be adding the missing capital letters to my sentences then looking at tracing the sentences for our morning work. Below is a PDF document of your worksheet so you can download and print it if you wish to. 



In the video below Miss Martin and George are talking you through a phonics lesson just like the ones we have in school. In the video Miss Martin and George will introduce you to a new phase 5 sound each day and re-cap the phase 3 and 4 flashcards. For the lesson you will need either a whiteboard and pen or a piece of paper an a pen or pencil. Enjoy! yes

Phonics with Miss Martin and George


► RE

This term we are going to be looking at special books. In today's lesson we are going to be looking in more detail at the special book for Muslim people.


Miss Martin has made a video talking through the presentation if you would like to watch that instead of reading it through with your grown-up. However, if you don't want to watch this you can look through the presentation below and complete the worksheet, remember to save it to show Miss Martin later.

Special books - The Qur'an

Worksheet explained and modelled by Miss Martin

Still image for this video


► PE

Usually on a Thursday morning you would have PE with Mr Revan, so today we are going to be doing some PE at home. In school you would be moving on to invasion games (Basketball, football etc). Today we are going to be looking at some great skills. Try these 5 skills out and see if you can use them against an opponent.


The first three are variations of the same move, inspired by Neymar and will have the defender twisted in knots.


The McGeady Spin is a popular move from Aiden McGeady, who currently plays for Charlton Athletic and can be used to get you out of a tight situation.


The final move, stop-flick-scissors combines 3 actions together to produce a great move that requires a lot of coordination and you will love it once you can do it properly.


Have fun smiley



In English today, we are going to be thinking about our own 'train ride'. We are going to imagine that we are on a train and going on a journey, you look out of the window and what do you see? Today I would like you to use your imagination to help you fill out the sheet below. You can look back at the story of the 'train ride' for inspiration if you would like to, the video is below. I can't wait to see what wonderful things you will see from your train windows, remember it is imaginary and can be anything you want. Today we will also be using those amazing adjectives we learnt about last week. Today is Just the planning stage to gather our ideas together, we will then use them tomorrow to help us.


If it helps you to write your ideas down, you could draw a picrture first of what you can see, there are some ideas below of this to show you too.



BLUE WORK - back 1 step challenge

GREEN WORK - regular challenge

PURPLE WORK - forward 1 step challenge

These levels of differentiation, for some pieces of learning, will ensure that your child can access teaching and learning that is pitched correctly for them. If you are not sure which colour to do then please email Miss Martin to check.


► STORY TIME! laugh

Paddington read by Miss Martin and George

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