Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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2nd November



Please read with your child and record the experience in their reading diary.




Today we are starting our work on the Hindu Festival, Diwali.


Diwali is celebrated by Hindu people and the majority of people in India follow Hinduism.


Watch the video below and then retell the story together.


I have provided a story map with missing pictures to cut and stick but you could also do this by making puppets or using your child's own toys as characters.



The Hindu Story of Rama and Sita | Religions of the World



Today we are going to be practising our handwriting of the sounds that we have learnt.


Provide your child with lined paper and a pencil (you could draw thick lines if you don't have lines wide enough) and ask them to tell you how to write s, a, t using the rhymes that we have learnt.


Provide an example of each letter for your child to copy a few times and then take it away and ask them to write independently. Ten letters for each sound.


They could then write 'as' and 'sat' to practise putting it into words.




Today we are going to be subitising.


Subitising is where you can see how many there are without counting. Most adults can subitise 6-7 without counting or adding groups mentally and children can subitise up to 5.


Look through the Powerpoint below with your child ad see if they can 'see' how many there are on the slides.



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