Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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WEEK 16/11




To receive feedback on your learning please email your class teacher each day with a message as to how you got on. If you attach work or include photos of work they will be able to see how you got on.


If you would like Mr Smyton to see too then please email him too:



Read for 20 minutes and record it in your Reading Diary




Square numbers

► English

Design your own Puck

► Art and Design - Ancient Greeks
Complete the ideas sheet today.  Think about the characteristics and powers your Goddess will have.  Then consider what they look like and any special features they have.  Make sure you include a helmet as we will be designing and making it tomorrow. 

Design your own Greek God or Goddess




Multiply by 100

► English

Today you have the scene involving the character 'Bottom' from A Midsummer Night's Dream, as he is turned into a donkey and Titania, Queen of the Fairies, wakes up and falls in love with him.

Please watch the video clip and then open the word document to explain how you can write about Bottom's dream.

Bottom's dream

► Art and Design - Ancient Greeks

How to draw an Ancient Greek Helmet Real Easy - Hoplite

Learn how to draw an Ancient Greek Hoplite Helmet real easy with step by step instructions from Shoo Rayner, the author of How to draw Ancient Greek Stuff.




Multiply by 10, 100 and 1,000

► English
Today in English I would like to look at the sheet with lots of nouns about a haunted house.  Can you use the nouns and extend them into phrases by adding suitable adjectives.  Then can you write your own descriptive passage about a haunted house?

Expanded noun phrases

► PSHE - Anti Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week 2020: United Against Bullying - Official Primary School Film

The Anti-Bullying Alliance have worked with over 300 young people and 100 members of school staff to develop our theme for this year's Anti-Bullying Week. Ou...

What would you choose to do to take a stand against bullying? In the centre of the puzzle piece, write down your action, starting with ‘I choose’ ... for example:

• ‘I choose to be kind and not leave people out at playtime.’

• ‘I choose to tell an adult if I see someone being bullied.’

Once you have written your statement, design your puzzle piece in your own unique way that celebrates who you are. You could draw symbols of things you enjoy such as hobbies or clubs you are part of using colours you like or shapes you like. The choice is yours!




How to Create a Paper Mosaic

In this video I will show you how to create a paper mosaic. You will need: scissors, glue, drawing paper, multicolored scraps of paper, a reference drawing o...




Using pronouns - Can you replace Jane's name with her, she etc to make the writing less repetitive?

► PE
Can you design and set out a circuit so you can test your speed, agility and quickness (SAQ)?  You could included skipping, side stepping around objects, small jump sequences and hopscotch rountines.

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