- Who is most likely to be a famous Youtuber in the future?
- Who will be a pop star in the future?
- Who is Tik Tok mad?
- Who is most likely to be famous for writing or illustrating comics?
- Who would win a Harry Potter quiz?
- Who is a Fortnite boss?
- Who is the most laid back in Year 5?
- Lewis G, Amelia, Gracie-Mae
- Who is our Titanic expert?
- Who has the best haircut/style in Year 5?
- Alfie, Yvie, Alex, Sebbie
- Who eats the most snacks?
- Who has the neatest writing?
- Who tells the best jokes?
- Jakub, Kayleigh, Mr Smyton
- Who is the loudest?
- Who is the fastest?
- Who has the cutest pet?
- Who is the best gymnast?
- Who could be a professional footballer?
- Who would make a great teacher?
- Brendan, Lois, Albion
- Who might be the strongest?
- Who is just a crazy crazy crazy person ?
- Who never sits still?
- Who is a Science expert?
- Who is a Music expert?
- Mrs Hall, Yvie, Gracie
- Who always loses things?
- Who is most likely to be late for a meeting?
- Joshua, Joseph, Maddison
- Who will be the first to make a million pounds?
- Who would be coolest in a crisis?
- Alfie, Ethan, Georgia
- Who does the best impressions?
- Lois, Thomas, Zayaan
- Who would be the best at hide and seek?
- Mason, Ethan, Maddison
- Who could win The Great British Bake off?
- Who would be good to replace Boris Johnson?
- Lois, Amelia, Seb, Mrs Wiggins
- Who knows the most about all sorts of random things?
- Who has the most stationery at school?
- Who is super tidy?
- Who would be brave enough to wrestle a crocodile?
- Who has the most superhero knowledge?
- Who has the cheekiest smile?
- Who is most likely to be in a film?
- Who is always super fair?
- Who is the most competitive?
- Who could play for Leicester Tigers?
- Who is the Minecraft boss?
- Who has the biggest pet?
- Who is good at explaining things?
- What is the best class in school?
Do you remember that during the holiday before you started Year 5 you wrote postcards and sent them in to school?
How about writing to Ms Hadland?
You could introduce yourself, tell her what you are up to....
You could write a letter or make a postcard.
You can post them to:
Ms Hadland
Thythorn Field Primary School
Bideford Close
LE18 2QU
During the holiday it is important to relax and unwind, especially as you have worked so hard for the last 4 months or so with your home learning however we must not allow our brains to fall completely asleep or lose the fabulous learning we have done...
My top tips to stay in the zone and be Year 6 ready are:
- read regularly - books, comics, magazines, online articles
- practise your times tables - you need to know them all!
- practise your spellings - all the links you need to all the words you should know are on our class page for Monday
- revisit any of the learning from the past 16 weeks....all the pages will stay here all summer
- use your CGP books that came home in your folder
- stay interested in lots of stuff - do stuff - go places
There is so much to look forward to.
There are always new opportunities.
Don't forget we have our LIVELY LOCKDOWN LIST full of ideas....