Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Thursday 25th November

Good Morning!

Hello Year 2. Here is your home learning for today.

Remember you can still contact me on SEESAW.

Have a good day!



Maths lesson video


Click below for today's English learning.

Read through the 'Learn' part of the lesson with an adult and watch the short video.

On a piece of paper complete activity 1 and 2 in the 'Practise' part of the lesson.



Today we are learning about Advent.

Read through the PowerPoint with an adult,click below for the link.

Task - You can either complete the work sheet or draw your own picture of an advent wreath with the candles  and add the words ,

Love , Peace , Joy and Hope.


If you're feeling up to it have a go at the workout session.

We've had a go at this in school so you are already an expert at it!

Kids workout 1 Beginners

It's story time! The Rainbow Fish

School Updates

