Please watch the video carefully and re-tell the story in your own words.
Today we are looking at E-Safety, looking at what is safe and unsafe to do when we are online.
The main task is to have a go at this game!
How to play...
Your character moves and you have to make him or her jump over obstacles.
Today we are looking at pronouns!
Pronouns are used to replace words when we speak...
Miss Kaur walked her dog at the park.
It would sound better than,
Miss Kaur walked Miss Kaur's dog at the park.
Go through this BBC Bitesize video and activities to help you understand it better.
We are learning about different continents.
There are 7 continents of the world, listen to the continents song and then look at the BBC information and have a go at the quiz!
Don't forget to send me a message on seesaw to let me know how you're getting on with your work!
Please use the learning from yesterday to have a go at these questions.
For fun have a go Rounding Rocket
Today we are looking at formal and informal language.
Knowing the difference between the two is important when we speak to different people.
First I want you to complete the sorting game
>>Formal and informal language sorting game<<
Then complete this task (write it out with the correct language if you were speaking to someone formally... e.g. a head teacher!)
Have fun and listen to this video and repeat the French Greetings!
Read the information carefully and answer the questions.
The answers are at the end