Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Tuesday 5th May 2020

Another daily message...

Click to hear me!

Good morning Year 4! 


Our plan for today; 

Morning work - handwriting 

English - Plan a story 

Maths - Decimals 

PE - relay 

Music - singing 

Story - Free choice reading 

PE with Joe Wicks


Look in your learning pack for this handwriting sheet (at the back of the one you did last week)



Today we are looking at skills which are important to develop our writing, specifically adverbial phrases. 

The BBC have created a special home learning lesson for adverbs and adverbial phrases, (BBC Lesson link) so I would like you to go through their task, then complete your 'Adverbial Phrases' sheet in your pack. 



If you would like a challenge after, I have included the pdf of the 'magic adverb' sheet as a challenge for you to complete after. 


Today we are looking at decimals, specifically what a tenth looks like a decimal. e.g. one tenth = 0.1


Please go through the powerpoint presentation and choose the option sheet you would like to complete, you do not need to print the sheet out (the answer page will be at the end of the pdf). 


There is an extension task today, as always this is an optional extra, you do not have to complete it. 


Hopefully the weather will be good enough for this PE session. 

For today's lesson will need to do a warm up... So I would like you to complete my warm up. 

1. Have a quick sip of a drink. 

2. Find a safe space to do your warm up.

3. Start with 15 jumping jacks, remember full star on jump out and fully close on jump in. 

4. Run on the spot for 20seconds. 

5. High knees on the spot for 20seconds. 

6. 15 more jumping jacks. 

7. Run on the spot for 20seconds. 

8. 15 more jumping jacks. 

9. High knees on the spot for 20seconds. 


Mr Hill has created a special challenge for you today! 

It's Mr Hill's run challenge...

You'll do this again next week to see if you have improved. 


You need to mark an area to run around, this can be around the outside of the grass section of your garden, around a path in your garden or outside your house (if it is safe and you have your parents permission) or during your daily walk at the local path. 

You will need to be timed how many laps you can complete in 12minutes. 

Don't cheat... We know some of you will try and miss the corners...! 


Write down how many you can do and keep it safe, next time we want to know if you can beat your score! 


Today's sing song is linked to Vikings, specifically the Viking God 'Thor'! 

Watch the video clip and then have a go singing the song (I've attached a copy of the lyrics below) 

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