Today's timetable:-
Year 3 and 4 Mrs Boyd and Mrs Brewster |
WEEK BEGINNING: 01/06/20 Fri Home Learning SUMMER TERM |
8.40 – 9.00 |
9.00 - 9.30 |
9.30 – 10.30 |
10.30 -10.50 |
10.50 - 12 |
12– 1 |
1.00 – 2.50 |
2.50-3.05 |
English skills Spellings |
PE with Joe Wicks
Maths |
Break |
English |
Lunch |
Reading time (15mins) |
TT rock stars |
RE |
Class |
Ask a grown up to test you on your spellings for this week. Let us know how you get on
PE with Joe
English - using commas
This week we are remembering how to use commas in lists correctly.
Quiet Reading Time 15 mins
TT Rockstars!
Just for fun!
Just to make sure everyone is still awake out there, have a go at this fun physical activity from the Supermovers....
This term in RE we are going to spend some time looking at the main world religions that people follow. This week we are going to start by finding out more about Islam (the name of the religion you follow if you are a Muslim).
From the information you have looked at I would like you to make a poster to show the key facts about Islam. You can add pictures as well as writing. You could even do it on a computer if you have access to one. Have a look back at the information to help you with what to add. Can you include at least 5 facts about Islam?
You might want to add some Islamic art to your poster. Below are some instructions for designing some symmetrical Islamic art - you may need a little bit of help from a grown up to get you started.
Don't forget to send in a picture of your poster
Class Read
On Fridays this term I would like to share one of my favourite books when I was about your age - The Wicked Tricks of Till Owlyglass by Michael Rosen. You probably already know Michael Rosen - he wrote We're Going on a Bear Hunt and lots of funny poems and stories. This book is about a naughty boy called Till who lived in Germany a long time ago. Here is Michael Rosen telling us the first chapter of the story...