Dear Year 6 - you are all doing a fabulous job coping with lockdown due to the Covid 19 virus. As each week passes, I know some of you are struggling; missing your friends and are beginning to wish you could go to school each day. You are not alone, your class mates are lonely some days just like you, they are happy some days just like you - you are all doing a fabulous job.
It is lovely to hear your news, to speak with most of you over the weeks so far, and see your work and read your messages when they are e-mailed to me. Please keep in touch and send me photos of activities you are doing, it doesn't have to be school work.
Today is a Bank Holiday and therefore my gift to all of you is that there isn't any work that MUST be done.
(There are some links and ideas further down the page if you want to read, research and learn more about V.E. Day)
However, just in case the weeks are starting to affect your memory - my real gift to each and every one of you is a little reminder to keep us all on track:
Happy VE Day!
Who knows what V. E. stands for?
All of what you are about to read, and watch, links to our learning earlier this year: World Wars; in particular World War II.