Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Year 6


From Monday June 1st you can access your home learning by following the link to Upper School on the Class Pages/Home Learning page or contact:


If you or your child have any worries or concerns about mental-health issues, here are sources of great advice:



Year 6 - why not explore Now Press Play! surprise



Ms Hadland is currently reading:

This book was written by the author Rebecca Westcott - it is semi-autobiographical and was written in collaboration with an 11 year-old just like you! I was drawn to it because it shares ideas, emotions and feelings about transition from Primary School to Secondary School as well as getting us to gain a better understanding of anxiety and autism. Here is a little about the author, and some of her other novels:

YEAR 6 - I am after your very best jokes, riddles, conundrums and puzzles … I'd like to share a joke a day from each of the Y6 pupils (parents are allowed to contribute too) - please e-mail me your rib-ticklers or brain-scratchers … your name will be mentioned. smiley


What do you get if you cross a lemon with a bus?


A sourbuss! laugh

From the chuckle muscles of Mickey.


Year 6, a new author to try maybe? The first book I read 2 years ago during the summer holidays; it really tugged at my hearts strings and empathy for children (and parents) who have been displaced from their home country, plus it reminded me of the complicated and sometimes unfair issues experienced amongst classmates.  This Easter holiday I have started to read her 2nd novel: A Star Outside My Window - being a bit of an amateur star-gazer, comet appreciator and satellite tracker - have you noticed one very low and therefore much brighter satellite in the night sky more recently? cool

Katie's Green Fingers - Super Seed Sowing and Great Growing


Still image for this video

There's no other way to make bread. Who 'kneads' Joe Wicks when we've got Seth Orton! Stretch that gluten!

Still image for this video

Wash up - you gotta wash up - the boy's got it

Still image for this video


Over the next weeks, any additional tasks, instructions, links to educational sites, or updates will be posted here. Please keep checking.

Please keep healthy! 

Ms Hadland


Y6 Parents - I have set up a login for Year 6 pupils on:

Ed Shed - the Spelling Shed; a spelling game we have accessed in class, and also Prodigy Maths - a fabulous maths site which allows pupils to work at their own rate, improve their personal best and will move them onto the next stage, level, degree of difficulty, depending on their speed and accuracy.

Please use the e-mail link above to contact me and request your child's login and password. All pupils have a copy of their login attached to the inside flap of the Educational Home Learning Folder.




Welcome to Year 6!


Year 6 staff:                                                                            

Ms C Hadland: Class Teacher

Mrs D Muddimer: Teaching Assistant/ELSA


Mr J Clarke (Thurs p.m.) PE Coach

Mrs G Hall (Thurs & Fri p.m.) HLTA


World Book Day - costume versus book.





In school we are reading Holes by Louis Sachar. Other books by the same author, including one Mr Smyton read to Y6 when they were in Y5: There's a Boy in the Girls'. Bathroom, Small Steps and Fuzzy Mud.    


At home, Ms H's reading material is ever-changing wink some of them won't get read ….



As each pupil progresses through school-life growing demands are placed upon them along that journey. This year will require a greater degree of independence, responsibility, organisation and perseverance as the expectations for Year 6 continue to grow. Year 6 bridges the gap between Primary School and Secondary School. As pupils progress, thrive and mature there is greater emphasis to demonstrate initiative, motivation and self-awareness. Let the journey begin!


Year 6 can be a very demanding year for pupils; not just the end of year requirements but also changes within their body and also with influence on multimedia, with peer pressure, mental health and well-being. Currently there are several drives regarding the importance of sharing thoughts, feelings and emotions.  The importance of conversation with young minds has never been greater as devices, apps, consoles and online games can sometimes lead to hours of busy isolation. With this in mind please, as well as the importance of reading please: 'Share a lap rather than an app!' Read a current themed topic book, visit a library together, borrow additional books, comics and child newspapers from the Y6 library - see the links below for free online e-books if the library is closed and/or hard copies of books are out of favour! Do what it takes to raise the profile and frequency of reading quality texts.


Whilst many Year 6 pupils are growing in independence and are increasingly mobile before and after school, when catching up with them at the beginning and end of the day, please greet them with a smile rather than a mobile - we can all be guilty of it at times... we are their role-models... and plan in time to be device free and enquire about their day:



If you or your child have any worries or concerns about mental-health issues, here is a source of great advice:




Budding Journalists - interested in world issues - keep up-to-date here:


News for children from yesteryear - keen historians look here:


'Countdown', Count Up, Just Count! wink 


Homework will routinely include: the basics of weekly spellings and how to use words correctly in context, etymology: clarifying word origins, meanings and definitions, as well as morphology: manipulating words with prefixes and suffixes; times-tables - practising any remaining unknown times tables, and reading regularly to improve comprehension and vocabulary banks to be used in writing. Frequent practising throughout the week is better than one longer session the day before it is due to be handed in. Read less but interrogate the text more via questioning using retrieval, inference and deduction. Other homework will include using a range of CGP books to address required skills. 


Homework will usually be given on a Monday and will need to be handed in by the following Monday. This allows for pupils who are busy on weekdays to also have the weekend to complete tasks, and pupils who have hectic weekends have the 5 weekdays. This accommodates all eventualities.


PE will usually be on a Monday afternoon with me – and on a Thursday afternoon with Mr Clarke. Please make sure a full PE kit comes in to school on Monday and remains in school until Friday as there are times when additional, unexpected, sporting events are arranged at short notice - it would be a shame if your child missed out.


Additional learning sessions after school continue in Spring 1 term; English (Tuesday) and Maths (Thursday) with Ms Hadland - straight after school; to reinforce required learning of basic skills for Year 6 pupils.

If your child is invited they are expected to attend. 😊


Ms C Hadland


Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your teacher know!

CEOP E-safety for parents

Jessie & Friends is a series of three animations that follow the adventures of Jessie, Tia and Mo as they begin to navigate the online world, watching videos, sharing pictures and playing games. There's also a storybook for each episode, to help you and your child keep the conversation going.

INTERNET SAFETY - online profiles - restricting your settings to friends only

Watch some of our Year 5/6 children discussing one of the Internet Safety Videos produced by CEOP.

NOW PRESS PLAY - audio storytelling with drama re-enactments.Audio stimulus creating descriptive images to feed into our writing.

Links to Enrich Learning and Embed Skills:

2020 KS2 Assessments

A summary of the Key Stage 2 tests that Year 6 pupils will take in England in May 2020 aimed particularly at parents. Downloadable version available here:

2020 Key Stage 1 tests - for siblings in Year 2

This 6-minute video provides information for parents about the Key Stage 1 tests, including the optional Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Test. A downloadable version is available for schools: A separate video is available for schools not using the GPS test:

SATs style questions

Smash your SATs with the Ultimate KS2 Maths Organiser!
Click 'Forward Play' to move on to other questions or leave to run onto the next question.

School Updates

