Please read with your child for 20 minutes each day. This could be a story book which you read, a phonics book which they read or a mixture of the two.
Oxford Owl have a library of free books which can be read on a phone or tablet.
Follow the link below and sign up yourself. You can then access a variety of books which are age-appropriate. Start on age 3-4 (Oxford Level 1) and work your way through as your child gets more confident.
Today we are practising reading words with our learnt sounds.
Go to phonicsplay.co.uk and login using the username ThythornEYFS and thythorn
Click on Phase 2 and then Flashcards. Click Phase 2 and ask you child to read the sounds which come up.
Note any words which you child doesn't recognise.
Then click on Picnic on Pluto game. Play the game a few times with the sounds which your child wasn't as confident at recognising.
Purple challenge: give your some simple sentences which include their less confident sounds to read.
Today we are thinking about one more and one less.
Practise counting forwards and backwards to 20 until your child is confident.
You could watch the counting down from 20 video below to help you.
Then give you child numbers up to 20 and ask them to say one more (the next number.)
Once they are confident, repeat the activity with one less.
Today we are going to be talking about people who help us in school and at home.
Watch the video below and then talk to your child about different jobs that people do to help them at home or in school.
Talk about why these job are important and what you child can do to help these people.