Year 5 – Wednesday 3rd March 2021 |
Morning starter |
Maths |
20 mins independent reading |
Zoom – Cancelled today |
English |
Story |
Grammar |
French |
Times tables |
Mental Maths warm up
Reflection |
Reading comprehension – Be Well
Cosmic by Frank Cottrell-Boyce
Wednesday slide |
Eat well to live well – what makes a healthy life style. Lesson 2 |
Parts of the body. Les corps lesson 2 |
This morning you can complete some games on the times table games website (link below), practise on TTRS and/or complete a practise sheet of mixed times tables.
► Mental starter
Blue challenge - complete questions 1-4.
Green challenge - complete all questions.
Purple challenge - complete all questions and continue onto the challenge below.
This morning your English work is based around some really helpful and supportive information that we will all benefit from at this time. Read the text through completely, then read it through again. Read the questions carefully and answer in full sentences, checking your punctuation and spelling carefully.
We are continuing to look at what it takes to live a healthy lifestyle. Today I would like you to watch the video link to the Oak Academy, where Mr Sidat will explore what a diet is and why it is so important. In the videdo there is a very special visitor who will teach us the benefits of eating the right foods and will be introduced to the Eatwell Plate. From this, we will have a better understanding of the different amounts of foods we should be eating. At the end of the lesson, you will write a letter persuading others to make healthier choices.
Use the success criteria to help you structure your letter and Mr Sidat's example. You can write your letter to me as my healthy eating habits have definitely slipped during lockdown! Upload your letter or type your letter into Seesaw and see if you can persuade me to turn around my bad habits.
Cet après-midi nous continuons à apprendre sur le corps (This afternoon we are continuing to learn about the body). Watch Alexa's video about the body parts again and then have a go at completing the wordsearch and the alien descriptions.