Year 5 – Tuesday 26th January 2021 |
Morning starter |
Maths |
20 mins independent reading |
English |
Story |
Grammar |
Spellings |
Science |
Spellings into sentences |
Mental Maths warm up
Equivalent fractions |
Narrative writing – journey of a leaf from source to sea (day 2 – edit and publish)
The incredible adventures of Professor Branestawm
Tuesday slide |
Challenge words |
The water cycle |
Here are the spelling words from last week:
Your task this morning is to choose 5 words and put them into sentences. Then have fun practising the words using a variety of ways, like we do in the classroom, such as pyramid words, one letter/one colour and drawing the shape of the word. I've included a picture of some of the games we do to help you.
► Mental starter
Blue challenge - complete up to question 4.
Green challenge - complete all questions.
Purple challenge - complete all questions and continue onto the challenge below
Today you are going to edit, improve and publish (write into best) your creative writing piece as a droplet of water at the start of their river journey. You will be writing in the first person (I) as the water droplet and using similes (as something as a or like a) and personification (making something seem real) you will describe each stage of the water's journey.
I have included the link to the video again if you want to listen to an example piece of writing.
You will write 4 paragraphs using your plan from yesterday. I have recorded a video to explain the structure and I have explained it below:
Paragraph 1: This will start with "Imagine a river where......" and finish with "This is the story of my river." It is an introduction and will only contain 2 - 4 sentences.
Paragraph 2: This will start with "The day begins like every other,". You will describe the very start of the droplets journey at the upper course of the river maybe as starting out as snow melt. Try to use at least one simile e.g. describing the speed or ferocity of the water.
Paragraph 3: This is about the middle course. It may start with "I go onwards down the mountain". You are describing the fast moving river, moving over the rocks. Try to include similes and personification.
Paragraph 4: This is about the lower course and journey to the mouth. It may start with "As I grow in age...." Personification is great in this paragraph talking about the ocean like a human and it's wisdom.
There's a lot of information here, but I have talked you through this in the video below.
Your new spellings for the week. This week there isn't a spelling pattern, they are challenge words that don't fit into a particular pattern. Complete the sentence activity (you could type them into notes in seesaw).
Today we are going to build on our learning from yesterday about the 3 states of matter and learn about 'The Water Cycle'. Please watch and listen to my presentation, then I demonstrate how to set up the experiment. There is also a video from Stem learning - the section on the water cycle starts at 19mins 30 secs.