Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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This week's spellings - to be tested next week (in person!):


Click the link below and choose a story or two to listen to...



When we were looking at what happens in a church last week quite a few people had questions about Baptism so this week we will find out more about when Christians are baptised (also known as a christening). Watch the two short videos below and then complete the quiz to test your knowledge.  Perhaps you have been baptised? Are you able to share via SeeSaw what happened (you will have to ask a grown up if you were a baby!)?



We often have lots of ideas for how to keep ourselves physically healthy - but what about making sure we are mentally healthy? Mental health is all about our feelings and emotions. Watch the animation below which explains a bit more about when our feelings get too big.

Can you think of three things you can do if you start to feel bad about things?

For example I (Mrs Brewster) might...

1. Bake myself a cake.

2. Get some fresh air by doing some gardening.

3. Talk to a friend on the phone.

Try to remember these for the next time you feel you need a bit of a mental health boost smiley






Make sure you all have a good rest at the weekend and we will see you all next week!smiley

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