Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Wednesday 03.11.21

Morning work:

On a piece of paper can you write down as many words as you can that have the sound 'SH' in.


Today we are going to be looking at the 'lk' sound blend in our lesson today. Please watch the  video below and join in if you can. After the video, you could go on a hunt around your house for 'lk' blend sound objects.


In English today, we are going to be looking at onomatopoeia words. We have been looking at the story Sparks in the Sky all about fireworks. Today we are going to be looking at onomatopoeia for firework words. Please look through the words below and complete the worksheet.



Today in Maths we are going to be looking at systematic number bonds within 10. Please watch the white rose video and complete the worksheet below.

P.E - A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

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