Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Hi year 3! Well done for all the work you have achieved this week (and not just the work I have set!) I have been amazed by the effort you have put in and the superb support from your families. I know it has been an unusual week, but seeing your photos and videos shows what resourceful children you all are and I know you will tackle next week full on! In the meantime lets crack on with Friday...

Our timetable for today...


Mrs Boyd and Mrs Brewster

WEEK BEGINNING:  23/03/20   Friday 27th     Home Learning wk1  

8.40 – 9.00

9.00 - 9.30

9.30 – 10.30

10.30 -10.50

10.50 - 12

12– 1

1.00 – 2.50


English skills  

- handwriting


PE with

Joe Wicks – follow link on youtube

Maths – perimeter and measure


English  - prefixes


 Reading time (15mins)

Arithmetic skills – TT rockstars!

RE – Palm Sunday


Handwriting Practise

Choose 5 words from the Year 3 and 4 Spelling list (Mrs Filbey’s group can choose from the Year 1 and 2 list) and write them out 5 times each in your best cursive handwriting!

Yr 1&2 spellings and yr3 &4 spellings

MATHS - PERIMETER AND MEASURE. Write 5 measurements in cm. Can you write them in mm? Then swap over! Perimeter PowerPoint:- work through Classroom secrets sheet – choose a level and work through – answers at the end! Sheet 1: Developing Sheet 2: Expected (most of you should do this one) Sheet 3: Greater Depth (if you fancy a challenge!)

ENGLISH - prefixes and unscramble words. Work through the AUTO powerpoint. Then look at the scrambled words - can you unscramble them? EXTRA CHALLENGE - create 4 scrambled words for your family to solve! Leave them in funny places around the house!!

RE - Palm Sunday - Look at the short PowerPoint on Palm Sunday. Can you use the internet to find out any more facts about why Christians think Palm Sunday is important? Have a go at following instructions to make your own palm – you can use what it says or whatever you have lying around at home!

End of the day class reader. Have you been managing to read some of 'Fantastic Mr Fox' or has a grown up read it to you?

Not to worry! I have recorded myself reading chapter 6 'The Race'. Even if you have already read it, sit back and enjoy this part of the story!


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