Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Thursday 14th May 2020

Good morning Year 4! 

I hope you are well and smiling 


Yesterday morning, Mrs Jones and Eloise and I were surprised to find Winnie the Pooh ready to learn! 


Our plan today; 

Morning work - sentence building 

English - Reading comprehension 

Maths - Hundredths 

Topic - Viking longboats 

Story - David Walliams - Bad Dad 

Morning work 


Today I want you to look at the photo and complete the challenge set... 

English / Topic 


Today our English and topic lesson are intertwined, we are going to complete a reading comprehension about Viking longship. 

Read the information about Longship and then choose which option questions you would like to answer. 



Today we are going to continue to look at hundredths and make the connection between what a hundredth is and how it looks as a decimal. Hundredths are smaller than tenths, if I have £1.45 in my pocket, the 5 represents the hundredths. 

I want you to complete the powerpoint presentation and remember to read through the questions carefully and that it is okay to make a mistake! 


Part two of our English/Topic lesson, 

Using what you have learnt about Viking Longships, create your own sketch of your Viking Longship. 

Remember the colour of the sails and shield and animal at the front represented the Viking tribe. 


If you have finished, you can include some facts about Longships that you have learnt. 

Miss Kaur's attempts at drawing a longship...

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