Today we are writing a fact file about a ladybird.
Watch the video below and ask your child to draw a picture of a ladybird. Ask them to sound out the body parts and write labels for the different parts of the ladybird.
Extra challenge: write a sentence to share something that you learned about ladybirds from the video.
Use the sentence starter 'Ladybirds are...', 'Ladybirds have...' or 'Ladybirds can...'
Today we are practising reading sentences.
Write the sentences below down and ask your child to read the sentence. Ask them to draw a picture in their home learning book to demonstrate understanding.
The fish and chips are on the dish.
My dog is black and brown.
I can see a goat and a chicken.
The corn is sweet and soft.
Today we are playing a game to tell the time.
You could either use the clock that you made yesterday or use the link below to practise telling the time or use the link below.