Maths is a little shorter today as I would like you to spend a little longer on producing some high quality writing in English.
In your folder find your Home Learning Pack Year 5.
Turn to Column 16 - Multi-Step Problems:
Have a go at 1b, 2b, 3b. You can do your jottings and calculations on a clean page in your exercise book at the Maths end.
There are some teaching tips in the video below.
Ask an adult to check or mark yourself using the answers below.
Thursday is Writing Day.
Today we are going to write a descriptive extract from a story - a story that has links to Space. The story is 'La Luna' and is below. Please watch the whole of the story first - then read what to do next.
Now you have watched the whole thing I would like you to zoom in on a chunk of the story...the chunk where Luca, the main character, first steps on to the moon. I would like you to write just 9 amazing sentences to tell this part of the story. Look again at this chunk:
Today I would like you to focus on 3 things:
1) The sights
2) A rhetorical question (beginning with What? How? or Should?)
3) Alliteration
Click below to watch Jane Considine, an expert writer, talk through how she would write 3 of these focus sentences that would form part of your 9 sentences telling this part of the story.
In Science yesterday we started to learn about our Solar System. You should now know the names of all the planets in order and you should know that at the centre of our Solar System sits a star - The Sun.
The Sun is a blazing hot ball of gas.
Click below to hear my very very very favourite song about The Sun!!!!
For your art challenge today I would like you to create a 'picture' or model of the Sun....BUT....not in a usual an unusual way...
Here are some ways you could try:
1) Could you paint a picture swirling ketchup/mustard?
2) Could you create a large art attack picture using clothing etc like this one of a rainbow?
3) Could you use the cool effects on Purple Mash?
4) Could you bake and decorate Sun cookies or a Salt Dough Sun?
5) Could you do something very imaginative of your own?
I would love to see a picture of what you create and see what unusual or creative approach you take.
So, it's Thursday and our PE day so.....below are some physical challenges to help you get active or calm choose:
1) Walk Out Work Out
Take your family members out for a good walk - stay a safe distance from others - Can you spot these things?
a) a postbox
b) a dog
c) a yellow flower
d) a tree that you can get your arms around
e) an animal that is not a dog or a bird
f) a green vehicle
2) Stair Climbing
Walk up and down your stairs 20 times without a rest (don't rush, don't slip).
Can you measure your pulse rate before you start - when you are resting and then your pulse after. See the video below to explain how. What happens to your pulse when you exercise?
Sometime before you go to bed find 10-15 minutes to read a book...somewhere quiet. Record it in your orange Reading Diary.
Remember there are lots of books you can read online at Oxford Owl - see Monday's page for details.