Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Monday 29th November

Hello Year 2!

I am really sorry that some of you are having to stay at home this week  and I hope that  you are OK and are not feeling too poorly. We miss seeing you in school ! On this page is some home learning that you can have a go at if you are able to. If you want to get in touch with me via SEESAW or email that would be great. I will respond, but it will be after school finishes for the day, as I am in school teaching the rest of the children. I will also get in touch with you this week at some point to check how you are doing.

Take Care

Miss Shepherd



In school today we are carrying on with our work on multiplication.

We are looking at some word problems where you need to be able to calculate equal groups.

For example - If there are 2 wheels on a bike. How many wheels on 5 bikes ?

This is the same as 5 groups of 2 or 5 X 2.

I can draw a picture to help me if I need to.

••     ••     ••     ••     •• 

Below  is the link to some multiplication word problems.

Remember to draw pictures to help you.


Can you write the mutiplication too?

? X ? = ?

Want to have a go at some more multiplication problems ? See if you can complete page 1.


Last week we did lots of 'Have a go work' (assessments)

So this week we are returning to our work on instructions and writing instructions.

Look at the link below that shows you step by step instructions for drawing a snowman.

Task 1 - See if you can follow them carefully and draw your own snowman.

Task 2- Write a set of instructions for these steps.

Your title will be

How to draw a snowman.


Remember to number each step and start with an imperative verb (bossy verb)

I have done the first one for you to start you off.


How to draw a snowman.

1. Draw a small circle at the top of the paper.



Spelling practise

(I will put the new spelling lists for this week's spelling test on Tuesday's page)

The game below is a great way to practise the Year 1 and Year 2 words.

Choose Year 1 or 2.

Click on a  bird box for a set of words to practise.

One word at a time will appear at a time. 

Read it and look carefully at the letters.

Try and remember how to spell it.

Drag the letters that you think spell the word and then press check.

Click the link below for the game.


Read for 10 to 15 minutes with an adult if possible.

You can read your school reading book or a book from home.


The phonicPlay website is a good way to practise your reading and spelling skills. You can click the link below and it should take you to PhonicsPlay. Use the login details below. 

Once you are logged in , go to resources and choose from phase 3 to phase 6.

You can explore the different games , you will also recognise some of the games because we have used them in school.

Username - thythorny2

Password - children123


In science today we are looking at waterproof materials and testing some materials to see if they are waterproof or not waterproof.

Watch the short video below and discuss with an adult what 'waterproof' means.

With an adult helping can you test some materials to see if they are waterproof?

You could make a table to record your results.


Here some materials you could test.

tin foil

cling film











What materials are waterproof? | BBC Teach

There are many types of materials, but only some are waterproof.Join Dr Brain and his team of scientists as they test four everyday materials, looking at the...

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