Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Today Ii would like you to write a diary of Jasper's week.


I have attached a template below but you could also write it in your home learning book.


Use simple sentences such as 'I planted a seed.' 'I watered the seed.' Encourage your child to sound out the words them self. For example, if they spell water 'worter' then this would be fine.


As tomorrow is a bank holiday, the school is not setting any formal learning so you may want to break down this activity over a few days as it may take some time.




Today we are working on number formation.


I have attached some sheets below for numbers 0-9 and 10-20.


This could also be completed in you home learning books.


Follow the instructions and practice writing your numbers. 

I would love to see pictures.



Today we are practising reading questions. 


Follow the link and complete the game using a variety of sounds.



We have been using nowpressplay at school this year and they have kindly opened up some of their interactive stories for home learning.


Follow the link and input the password which is nowpressplay 


Click on the link for Reception 


I recommend starting with Jack and the Beanstalk to link to our learning this week.

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