Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Please read with your child for 20 minutes each day. This could be a story book which you read, a phonics book which they read or a mixture of the two.


Oxford Owl have a library of free books which can be read on a phone or tablet.


Follow the link below and sign up yourself. You can then access a variety of books which are age-appropriate. Start on age 3-4 (Oxford Level 1) and work your way through as your child gets more confident.




Today we are working on our sight words.


Please watch the video below where we will be learning a new sight word and arranging sight words to make silly sentences.


Then complete one of the following activities.


Blue challenge: select 5/6 of the sight words which you believe your child needs to work on and play Sight Word Treasure Hunt. Write the words on pieces of paper and then hide them around your house. Ask your child to look for them and then read them to you when they find them. It may be helpful to have sight words which start with different letters to make them easily-differentiated.


Green challenge: play Sight Word Bingo. Write up to 10 sight words which your child is not recognising on pieces of paper. Ask your child to find the correct sight word when you call it out to them. Then reverse roles and ask the child to call the words for your to find.


Purple challenge: play Sight Word Bingo. Write up to 10 sight words which your child is not recognising on pieces of paper. Spell out a sight word using the phonics sounds and ask your child to find that sight word and then read it out. Then reverse roles and ask the child to call the words for your to find.

EYFS Phonics sight words




This week we are revising division. 


Watch the Numberblocks video below and then complete the following activity.


Use 6 toys/blocks or similar to recreate the division in the video. 


Can your child divide 6 into two groups or three and then three groups of 2? Talk to them about the pattern and write

6 ÷ 3 =2 

6 ÷ 2 = 3 


Explain that the  ÷ symbol means to divide or break/split up.


Ca we try to divide 6 into 6 equal groups? How many would be in each group? Can they find the other way around?



6 ÷ 1= 6

6 ÷ 6=1


Can we split 6 into 4 equal groups? Why/why not?




This week we are learning about the story of The Gingerbread Man.


Watch the story video below and then talk to your child about the story. 


Talk about the plot points in the story and ask your child to created a comic strip of the events. I have attached a document below with pictures which they can cut out and stick in order to create their comic strip. Alternatively, you could draw the pictures together.

The Gingerbread Man - Animated Fairy Tales for Children

Story Time with Mrs Wills - Oi Dog!

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