Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Monday 23rd March 2020

Monday 23rd March 2020

Good morning Year 4. 

I’m sorry we can’t be together today. I hope you are all well and have had a lovely weekend! 

I have created a word document that outlines the lessons for Maths, English and Topic today, with references to which sheets out of your learning packs (I’m sorry if they’re in a bit of a jumbled order!)


In addition to the work set out, I would like it if you could spend 10minutes on numberbots / times table rockstars and at least 20minutes reading or being read to (I have included links to free audio books and oxford owl books). Can you make sure you keep your reading diaries up to date too. 

As we are entering a new way of teaching and learning, I thought it would be interesting for future you to look back on your thoughts and feelings during this time. So therefore as your final task each day, I would like you to write a short diary entry in a notebook / piece of paper. 
I think that mine today (Sunday 22nd March 2020) will go something like this... 


‘Dear diary, 

Today was a very peculiar feeling day, I have sat down on my laptop to plan the week for Year 4, only this is not in my normal way... It’s all very confusing, but I am planning lessons for children to do at home. I’m sure this is going to be confusing for the children too!’


I hope to hear from you all soon! 
Miss Kaur

P.E with Joe / Monday 23rd March 2020

Day one of my 9am daily workouts

School Updates

