School Nurse
Should you require any information or guidance regarding your child and their health, the School Nurse team can be contacted on 0116 2153239. Advice can be given by telephone or alternatively, it can be arranged for a meeting to take place at school with the Nurse. There are monthly drop in clinic sessions which take place at Thythorn Field, please contact the school office for dates and times.
Administration of Medicines
The school can only administer medicines to your child, if the medication has been prescribed by the doctor. The school office must see the prescription label/box and receive a completed medication form in order to administer the medication as required. If there are changes to medication, a new form needs to be completed. All medications will be sent home during the summer holidays, for checking (expiry date etc.), please ensure they are returned on the first day back. Please ensure medication is handed into the school office and not sent in with your child. It is your responsibility to collect the medication at the end of the school day (if required) from the school office. Please see below the medication form to be completed, if needed.
If your child suffers from asthma, please speak to the school office and complete the medication form required. It is the parents/carers responsibility to ensure inhalers kept on site are in date and comply with the child's current prescription. It is school policy that an inhaler is kept in school at all times if it has been prescribed by a Doctor. Children can access their inhaler at all times. Assistance will be given as required.
We do have children in school with severe allergies. We ask that parents/carers are mindful of allergies when bringing food in to the school. Please remember we are a nut free school. Please do not send your child into school with any items containing nuts of any kind. If your child requires medication for allergies, please contact our SENDCO or Head Teacher to complete the necessary paperwork.
Please ensure that any medication is in date and in the containers it was prescribed in.
Illness /Injuries
Sickness and Diarrhoea
If your child has had an incident of sickness and/or diarrhoea, please note that there is a 48 hour clearance period. This must be 48 hours after the last incident.
If your child has an injury within school hours, a notification of injury form will be completed and sent home in your child's bag. If your child has had a significant bump to the head, staff will contact you at the time of incident to discuss the next steps of treatment.
Head Lice
If your child has a case of head lice, please ensure necessary treatment is administered prior to coming into school. If we discover a case of head lice within class, we will send out an information sheet or text to warn parents to check their child's hair.
Please see document below for NHS advice on childhood illnesses.
If you are ever unsure about your child's well being we recommend you contact your pharmacy or doctor (GP) to check.