Good Morning Year 1
I really enjoyed our little zoom meeting yesterday, thank you for those of you who came and joined me for a fun session with your show and tell items. It was lovely to chat to you and have a dance.
Thank you for sending me lots of lovely updates on your learning by using your SEESAW accounts, it is really nice to hear your voices, see your videos and look at pictures of your amazing work. I can't wait to see what super work you complete today with your grown-ups, keep working hard! I am so proud of how hard you are working!
BONUS ZOOM! - Tonight after school (so everyone can join in!) 4.30pm-5.30pm
I know you are all really missing eachother and from speaking to you all I thought it would be nice to do a zoom call on Wednesday at a time when the critical worker children and the adults that are in school will be home so they can join us too! Hopefully during this meeting we will manange to get all 25 of you plus all the gorwn-ups from our classroom in one zoom meeting!
Like the meeting on Monday, this will be a 'social/well-being meeting' where you can all come along and have a chat to each other, we will play some games and maybe have a dance or a go noodle too! It would be really nice if as many of you as possible came along to join the meeting as I am sure your friends would love to see you. Please bring along something that you can show me and your friends as we will begin our meeting with a show and tell.
In the video Miss Martin and George will introduce you to a new phase 5 sound each day and re-cap the phase 3 and 4 flashcards. For the lesson you will need either a whiteboard and pen or a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Enjoy!
Today in English we are going to think about a city that you would like to visit on an aeroplane and think about what you would pack in your suitcase and why. Please see the video below of Miss Martin explaining the task to you and showing you her example.
Using Purple mash
(Log in : Year1 Password: Year1) Please notice the capital Y and no gaps.
or your own personal log in, if you can remember it.
On the home page, click on 'topics', find topics and click on science. Once on the science page, scroll down to animals and select paint projects. Complete the 'dinosaur' project and create your own dinosaur. I have chosen the dinosaur today because yesterday you learnt all about reptiles, did you know dinosaurs were reptiles?
Here is one I made to show you as an example.
► Topic - All about Amelia Earhart
Today in our topic learning, we are going to look in detail at the life and significance of someone called Amelia Earhart. Amelia Earhart is a significant individual when thinking about the history of flight and aeroplanes. Please watch the video presentation below by Miss Martin and complete the timeline worksheet to go with todays lesson. The lesson presentation is also attached below should you wish to look back at it in detail.