Home learning for week 28.03.22
This week in maths we are continuing to explore fractions. Watch the video below and then complete the worksheets.
Here are your worksheets
English/ Topic
In English this week we are writing our own biography about Julius Caeser.
It would be great if you could gather some facts on Julius using bullet points.
Log onto Purple Mash and select your 2Do's. Click on 2animate and design your own slideshow of a plant growing!
Thursday 31st March 2022
This week in English we are writing a biography of Julius Caeser.
Below are the features of a biography and my example. See if you can write a small paragraph to begin with!
This week in art we are looking at things that grow naturally. Look around your garden for something that is natural and not manmade. For example plants and leaves. Try sketching these natural objects!