Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Wednesday 10th June

Good morning everyone! How are you all today? Read the wellbeing Wednesday ideas above - which ones can you aim for today? 

Here is our timetable for the day...

CLASS:  3  & 4

Mrs Boyd and Mrs Brewster

WEEK BEGINNING:  08/06/20             Wednesday

 Home Learning SUMMER TERM

8.40 – 9.00

9.00 - 9.30

9.30 – 10.30

10.30 -10.50

10.50 - 12

12– 1

1.00 – 2.50


spelling practise



PE with

Joe Wicks – follow link on youtube

English/topic – final writing of biography


Maths –see your own yr gp star


 Reading time (15mins)

Science – invstigating sound


Spelling practise 

Ask an adult or sibling to choose 4 of this week's spelling words.(Look back at Monday)

Try to spell them out loud correctly

If you get one wrong - look at it for one minute

Now hide it and try to say it aloud 


PE With Joe | Wednesday 10th June

ENGLISH - today we will be writing the final part of the biography which we have been working on this week.

Remember this was the list of what to include:-

► 2 A4 sides in total. 

► Include a clear title and introduction of who it is about.

► Have 6 main sections of information about Henry or Elizabeth.

► Each section should have at least 2 clear and interesting sentences. 

► Room for drawings for after the writing is complete.

Once you have completed your sentences, look over your work and make a note of what you feel is needed to make it extra special tomorrow.

You might decide you only need illustrations, maybe you want to look up images that would link well to your biography e.g. a handwritten letter from the king/Queen! Some people may be interested in where they lived.

Biographies should have good detail and information about the person, but also be appealing to look at. But remember - these extra touches and checking sentences will happen TOMORROW.




SCIENCE - Today I would like you to get investigating! 

Please don't feel you have to try all the listed ideas, but try at least 3 to be able to compare sounds and think about how the sound is created. 

STORY TIME - Danny and his Dad start thinking...

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