Please read with your child for 20 minutes each day. This could be a story book which you read, a phonics book which they read or a mixture of the two.
Oxford Owl have a library of free books which can be read on a phone or tablet.
Follow the link below and sign up yourself. You can then access a variety of books which are age-appropriate. Start on age 3-4 (Oxford Level 1) and work your way through as your child gets more confident.
Today we are practising our sight words.
Watch the video below where we are practising our sight words.
Our new sight words this week are like, no and here.
Watch the video below and then complete the following activities.
Blue challenge: go to phonicsplay.co.uk and login with the username ThythornEYFS and the password thythorn. Click on Resources and scroll down to Tricky Word Trucks. Select Phase 2 and play the game. Don't forget that with sight words, 'I see it, I say it.'
Green challenge: practice writing our known sight words.
I (written with the line at the top and bottom)
Purple challenge: Can you put some of out sight words into sentences and write them down? The sillier the better.
Today we are learning about halving, following on from our work on doubling activity last week.
Blue challenge: Find half of 2, 4 and 6. Using objects like in the video.
Green challenge: Try to find half of numbers up to 6. Are there any numbers which you can't halve easily? Why is this? Can you sort numbers which are halved easily and aren't halved easily?
Purple challenge: Find half all numbers up to 10. Are there any numbers which you can't halve easily? Why is this? Can you sort numbers which are halved easily and aren't halved easily?
All children: Can you find a way to use your fingers to show double and half of a number? Please send me videos.
This week we are going to be thinking about using adjectives to describe something.
Adjectives tell us what something looks, smells, feels, sounds or tastes like.
Have a look at the picture below and ask your child to think of adjectives to describe it, using the sentence starter "She is..." or "She has...".
e.g. "She has curly hair."
"She has a blue dress."
"She has a shocked face."
Note down the ideas that your child comes up with because will will be using them tomorrow.
Blue challenge: ask your child questions to support their ideas. E.g. What kind of hair does she have? What kind of dress does she have? Ensure that your child answers in full sentences using the sentence starter "She is/has..."
Green challenge: children to create their own sentences. Adults can support by pointing out different parts of the picture for the child to comment on. Ensure that your child answers in full sentences using the sentence starter "She is/has..."
Purple challenge: children to create their own sentences. Adults can support by pointing out different parts of the picture for the child to comment on. Ensure that your child answers in full sentences using the sentence starter "She is/has..." Then children to write their adjectives as labels next to the picture. Encourage them to sound out the words themselves; it doesn't matter if they are spelt correctly, as long as they are phonetically correct. If your child is unsure of any sounds, you could write them down to copy.
►Shared reading
Today we are going to be reading a book together. Please watch the video below and join in with our lesson together.