Please post any home learning details on Tapestry.
Today we are learning the story Jasper's Beanstalk.
Watch the story video below and then talk to you child about the process that Jasper went through to plant his bean.
Create a diary together about Jasper's week.
Today we are practising our reading.
Please go to and login using the user name ThythornEYFS and the password thythorn.
Click on Phase 2 Resources and then Pick and Picture. First complete the game with Phase 2 words and then move onto Phase 3 if your child is confident.
Today we are learning about a new number.
Watch the Numberblocks video below and then talk about the number 18.
Provide your child with 18 pieces of Lego/cubes and ask them to arrange them in different arrays (3 rows of 6, 6 rows of 3, 2 rows of 9 etc.)