Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Half Term.


Read my 5 recommended  books over the half term week on Oxford Owl.

One for each day , Monday to Friday.

Let me know if you read them all (by email) and I will send you a special certificate in the post.

Remember on Oxford Owl you can listen to the text as you follow it , just click where it says audio.


My recommended books.

Winnie and Wilbur stay at home.

Minibeast poems


Eric's Talking Ears

Perfect Pets



Click below for Oxford Owl

class name - best

class password - class

click on My book shelf

ages - 6-7


Tabitha has discovered these videos on You tube ofJames and giant peach being read by different well known people (your mummy and daddy may have heard of them) The story is read in a really entertaining way with good use of expression and voice. 

EP1: Chris Hemsworth, Liam Hemsworth & Nick Kroll join Taika Waititi to read James & the Giant Peach

Half Term Ideas

  • Find out about some different minibeasts , draw pictures and write facts.
  • Make a 3d model of a minibeast.
  • Make a minbeast book.
  • Learn the 2 , 5 and 10 times tables.
  • Practise telling the time . O'clock , half past , quarter past and quarter to. If you know these then practise five past , ten past , twenty past , twenty-five past , twenty-five to , twenty to , ten to and five to.
  • Make sure you can read and spell lots of the Year 1 and Year 2 words.
  • Take a photo of yourself holding a message for your friends in Year 2 and email it to Miss Shepherd. I will put it on the class page.
  • Make an obstacle course in your garden.
  • Make a picture /piece of art work using natural materials .

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