Year 5 – Thursday 28th January 2021 |
Morning starter |
Maths |
20 mins independent reading |
English |
Story |
Grammar |
PE |
Art |
Reading comprehension |
Mental Maths warm up
Fractions greater than 1 |
History and development of canals double page spread (day 2)
The incredible adventures of Professor Branestawm Chapter 4
Thursday slide |
Reaction wall warm up and jumping |
Water cycle craft. |
Today you have a reading comprehension to complete. Remember to read the whole poem first before attempting to answer the questions. When looking for an answer, underline or circle the point in the text that gives you the answer or clue to how to answer. Write your answers in full sentences, with the correct punctuation.
► Mental starter
Today is day 2 of creating your 'double-page spread' about the history and development of canals.
The slides and information about canals is available to you on the pdf document below.
When creating your double page spread, be really creative with your presentation. The most important part is the information and facts. You can create 'lift the flaps', a mini quiz, draw diagrams with labels, write a structured set of paragraphs and add maps.
Please may I remind you that your presentation and handwriting is very important. This piece of work would take us 2 days in school, hence why I have set it over 2 days for remote learning. You need to take time to plan what you are going to write, how you are going to set it out and then draft and edit each part.
► Grammar
► P.E.
Today in PE, I'd like you to start with a great warm up game. The first video is 'Reaction wall'. It is a game that you often see in arcades. You'll need some pieces of paper with large numbers written on. Please check with your grown up where ad how to stick them up as blu tac can mark walls. Try all the different varieties of the activity and your heart will be pumping and all your muscles warmed up.
The second video is similar to the SAQ curcuits we had been doing at school. You will need some tea towls/socks to lay day as markers for your ladder rung or jumping curcuit. Set challenges for yourself and people at home with you.
Today I would like you to present your understanding of The Water Cycle in an artist way. I'm giving you freedom to choose how to present the cycle, as it will very much depend on the resources you have at home.
I have made some suggestions below:
1. On a paper plate - create/craft/paint/draw the sea, mountains, clouds and sun. Mark on the cycle and LABEL each part of the cycle.