Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Today we are going to design our own healthy snack.


Watch the video below about Oliver making a milkshake and use the template to design and label a healthy milkshake. 


If you are going shopping soon or have the ingredients at home, I would love to see pictures and videos of you making your milkshakes at home.

Oliver's Milkshake



Today we are playing the Speed Trial Game.


Login to and use the username: march20 and the password: home.


Click on Resources and scroll down to the Flash Cards Speed Trial.


Record which sounds your child recognises and how quickly they complete Phase 2 and 3 and compare their scores to last week.



Today we are working on one more and two more than a number.


Give your child a number up to 20 (or more if they are comfortable) and ask them to tell you the number which is one more than that number. Extend by repeating the activity with 2 more.


I have attached a worksheet below for your child to complete. If you don't have a printer, you could write the sentences in your child's home learning book for your child to complete.

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