Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Tuesday 12th May 2020

Miss Kaur’s morning message

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Oh what a wonderful Tuesday wink


Well I hope it will be... Remember it's all what you make it. 


Our plan today; 

Morning work - Spellings 

English - Suffixes 

Maths - Decimals - divide by 10 


Art - Viking theme paper 

Morning work 


Please practice your spellings in preparation for your test on Friday. 

Remember there are so many different ways you can learn your spellings, I have included some suggestions below. 


Miss Kaur's spellings 

Statutory words (Year 3/4 list) 












Mr Hill's spellings 

Common exception words








Today we will be looking at suffixes, remember these are added to the end of a root word. 


Root word - walk 

Suffix - ed 


What I would like you to do first is to think of as many suffixes you can think of... 

In Anglo-Saxon/Viking times some of our modern towns and cities were named by the people who settled there... Anglo-Saxons name for towns was burh. The word 'burh' still appears in place names in Britain - Peterborough and Scarborough are two examples.


Names that tell the tribes

The first Anglo Saxon Villages were often named after the Chieftain (Leader of the village). This made it clear which tribe the village belonged to. These places often have the letters 'ing' of 'folk' somewhere in their name, often at the end. The first part of the name was most likely to have been the name of the local chieftain.

The people who lived in the 'village' of Hastings were 'Haesta's people'.
Haesta was the chieftain.

The people who lived in the 'village' of Reading were 'Redda's people'.
Redda was the chieftain .

Names that tell the Landscape

Later Anglo Saxon villages were named after a feature in their surroundings rather than the name of the chieftain.

Oxford got its name because it was a place where oxen were driven across a ford in a river.

Aylesbury got its name because it was a fortified place (fortified means it is protected against attack)



Today you will need to go on Google Maps and find different settlements that have survived from Anglo-Saxon/Viking times. The hint will be with the suffixes attached to the name. 

-bury -ham -ford -worth -wick/wich



Today you will be continuing to looking at how to divide by 10, but looking at how to divide a 2 digit number by 10. These questions are to help deepen your knowledge and understanding of decimals. 


Please go through the powerpoint presentation and choose the option sheet you would like to complete, you do not need to print the sheet out (the answer page will be at the end of the pdf). 


I have also included an extension task for you (please remember that you do not HAVE to complete the extension). 


Today's PE is free choice from these choices 

  1. Build a new obstacle course 
  2. Just Dance / Noodle 
  3. Throwing and catching games 
  4. Football or Tennis (if you have a partner/equipment) 
  5. Mr Hill's 12 minute run 
  6. Simon says (with a grown up) 


Today's art lesson is themed around creating some background paper for your story, this will be personalised to you and will showcase parts of your story or make the theme of your story (Vikings) comes through clearly. 


I have included some viking theme pictures/page boarders to help you. 

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